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Jobs - VeCaAd

We provide high-results guaranteed marketing consulting, and our head consultant increased a business's online sales by over 1,400%.

Marketing Consultant / Business Consultant:
$100 per hour, fully remote, as an independent contractor, part-time. We post our positions on various job sites, and likely the easiest one to access without an account is on the PostJobFree site, at:
(You can ignore the "Cities" listed, because they're remote positions.)
Note: This job can be earned through our Earn Employment Program. Details are below.

VeCaAd Marketer & Promoter:
Commission only, fully remote, as an independent contractor. We pay up to $10,000 for each Qualified Business Referral, and up to $2,000 for each Qualified Person Referral. The job is structured as a Referral Program to make the process easier.

Earn Employment Program:
Authorized participants can earn part-time consultant positions and commissions from us, by proving their marketing and business abilities on our Referral Program. We offer part-time consultant positions to those who provide us eight Qualified Business Referrals, and we offer small consultant projects to those who provide us two or more Qualified Business Referrals, plus we evaluate their abilities for possible early advancement.

  • To sign up, read the Terms & Conditions found below, apply to our Referral Program, then email your account representative and ask to participate in our Earn Employment Program.

By participating in this Earn Employment Program, you ("The Participant") agree to the following Terms & Conditions:

VeCaAd ("VeCaAd") administers the Earn Employment Program. The Earn Employment Program and the Referral Program are not consultant projects, and time spent on them, and services rendered for them, will not result in billable hours, nor hourly pay, nor benefits, nor reimbursement, nor any compensation other than the commissions as outlined by the Referral Program, and the positions and projects as outlined by the Earn Employment Program. Applicants are not guaranteed to be authorized to participate in the Referral Program, or in the Earn Employment Program. VeCaAd alone determines if a referral is deemed a Qualified Business Referral, within its Referral Program, and within its Earn Employment Program. Qualified Business Referral is defined in the VeCaAd Referral Program Terms & Conditions. All offers within the Earn Employment Program, are at VeCaAd's discretion. VeCaAd reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to not provide any offers to The Participant where VeCaAd determines The Participant's actions are not consistent with the intent of the Earn Employment Program.

The Participant agrees to accept the decisions, rulings, and judgements of VeCaAd in any disputes, claims or causes of action arising out of, or related to the Earn Employment Program, or any prize awarded. Except where prohibited, any disputes, claims or causes of action arising out of, or related to the Earn Employment Program, or any prize awarded, shall be resolved under the laws of the State of Nevada, United States of America, without regard to conflicts of laws principles. Any claims, legal proceeding or litigation will be brought to Clark County, Nevada, United States of America, and The Participant consents to the jurisdiction of Nevada courts. The Participant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless VeCaAd, its owners, directors, officers, employees, contractors, consultants, and affiliates from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses, or suits, including attorney fees, which arise out of, relate to, or result from participating in the Earn Employment Program, or result from any act or omission of VeCaAd.

The Earn Employment Program is non-transferable, is void where prohibited, and may not be available in all territories. The Earn Employment Program in its entirety, or for an individual participant, may be altered, modified, changed, or discontinued by VeCaAd at any time, and if The Participant is required to follow the alterations, modifications, changes, or discontinuations, then VeCaAd will send The Participant a written notice. Changes to the Earn Employment Program for an individual participant must be written by VeCaAd to have any effect. Any written notices required or permitted to be given by VeCaAd may be sent by email. Failure to enforce any of these terms will not constitute a waiver.
