Request Unique Promo Code & URL For Referral Program

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To request your own unique promo code and URL, email us at the same email address you use for all other referral program communication, and follow the directions found below. This system is only for participants who are currently authorized to participate in our referral program.

Subject Line Should Say:
Requesting Unique Promo Code & URL

Email Body:
Request your unique promo code and URL, and optionally explain your marketing or business connection strategy.

Note: If you're participating in our Earn Employment Program, where we evaluate your marketing and business connection skills to consider you for a part-time consulant position, then explaining your strategy may improve your chances of getting our attention. Details of our Earn Employment Program are at the end of our Jobs page.

Your strategy may use a method other than our Submit Referrals system, or your unique promo code for our 75% Off deal, to indicate that a referral came from you. If so, you'll have to clearly explain what you have in mind, and we'll let you know if we can accommodate it, and whether or not we'll allow it.
